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Never the Same Again

There are some moments of school that I miss, and some that I don't. I didn't realize I missed the ones I did until I wasn't able to experience them anymore. I miss when we would move seats and my teacher announces that I sit next to my best friend. I miss the rush and constant excitement of the last few weeks of school. I miss walking into school in the morning with barely four hours of sleep, but then genuinely having a good rest of the day. I miss having random pictures of my friends and classmates from throughout the school day. I miss perpetually being surrounded by the people who I've created memories that will last a lifetime with. The internet simply doesn't compare.

The last time my brother and I drove to school together, we didn't know it was going to be our last. It was his last day of high school - forever. Although he would ask me every two minutes "are we going to be late?" each morning, I miss those days. We will never go back to experiencing those moments again. I will never see him at school, I will never see him walking with his big group of friends to class, and I will never see him during lunch at math club. The special thing is, I did not take any one of those days for granted. Each time he would ask me "are we late?" I would tell him "no," trying to assure him that he could get to first period on time. Only he would sprint through the parking lot after the first bell rung and I would walk to my first period calmly, knowing my teacher didn't care. I would see him at school and choose not to embarrass him as I did in elementary and middle school. We developed a mutual understanding for each other. We matured and grew. Now, brother is going to college and I won't be able to see him every day as I have been able to for the past fifteen years of my life.

We are now uncertain about whether or not we will even be able to return to our high school campus. If we aren't, we will stay in the life we have known for the past 6 months. If we are, it will definitely not be how it was in the past. Life will never be the same again.

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