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Newspaper Poetry

Poetry is an interesting art. Some find it desperately difficult, while others seem to breathe poetry. I tend to frame myself somewhere along the middle of the two fronts.

One night, I was struck with writer's block for more than an hour at least. I tried writing whatever came to mind, but the more I did, it became increasingly harder to come up with words. I had to find a solution. I decided to use the words of some unread newspapers — an excellent idea, as newspapers are absolutely littered with words.

I cut each line of text strip by strip and word by word. Soon enough, I had nearly a couple hundred words waiting to be amalgamated. I strung a couple random words from the dismantled newspapers and added a few needed words.

This resulted in the first poem, featured top-most in the photograph. It's not much, really, but it was something. I wrote a few more poems in this newly-created way. It isn't the traditional way of writing poetry, but it surely took much of the stress out of struggling to find words, however basic they needed to be in order to complete a poem.

If you are interested in writing poetry or find yourself lacking the right words to use, this method of pursuing poetry is truly an excellent and uncomplicated approach to start out with. Try using discarded papers or old magazines or if you don't have newspapers on hand!

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