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wasted potential | music, scrapbook, & creativity

it’s been a year since i last made a video for my ongoing project: scrapbook.

i intend to pick it up again— and hopefully for longer this time.

i tend to center particular moments and memories around music, which is kind of how i organize them in my head. when i listen to a particular song, it brings me back to the stage in my life when i discovered it or when i would play that song over and over again.

not to digress, but bon iver has been an integral part of my own coming of age story, which is why you can hear “re: stacks” playing in the background. bon iver has a song for every moment: happy, sad, angsty, reminiscing.

i know i’m not the only person who associates music with certain time periods but let me put it this way for the others: for example, when i think of june 2020/beginning of summer right after online school ended, i would bike to a park a couple streets away from my house and read a bunch of books every evening. i listened to “mustard” by strawberry milk cult during that time (among others, but they weren’t really that notable). example #2: in february that same year (before corona), i had a 10-week class at stanford university. during that 40 minute drive across the bay, i would put on the japanese house. “lilo” and “somethingfartoogoodtofeel” are synonymous to this time period in my mind.

two other influential artists that quite simply define a lot of my high school memories are postcard boy and carwash. garrett seamons is the creative soul behind both pseudonyms, and most of his music defined my sophomore and junior years of high school.

garrett put together everything i wanted to say perfectly:

“Scrapbook started as an idea to motivate myself to create content every week. I wanted myself to stay inspired and so my goal was to capture a little something from everyday. I understood it was not going to be my most cinematic work, but, I also knew that capturing small moments would produce something unique. Looking back on the [content i’ve been recording], I’ve learned a lot about the life I live. How much the little moments mean--the ones that are often overlooked. Not the posed pictures for instagram or the awkward family photos—but the hidden smiles, the quiet drives, the unnoticed neighborhoods, the afterglow on the sea. I say I dream of saving up money to travel around the globe, but staying in the places I know best with the people I love most is priceless.”

i’ve been pieceing together what to say for this video and i realized oftentimes in my writing or in my videos i do my best to sculpt a “perfect” version of myself. i spend days composing these scripts until they sound the most perfect they can be. but i feel that is the ingenuine part of creating content.

i was on the precipice of scratching this script, but one of my longtime friends reached out to me on this topic, ironically. i realized i’m not alone in this pit and there are so many people slowly hiking their way up a creative mountain.

lately i've been caught up in the web of trying to create content other people enjoy, and it's not fun for me anymore. i'm working on that. i’m picking up various creative projects to push my spirit and be the most creative i can be.

i don’t want my disregarded works to be wasted potential.

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